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Medical coverage of the 29th “Tour du Faso”

Published on: 7th May, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8163873543

Purpose: Medical coverage of the 29th “Tour du Faso” primarily aimed to report the experience of the medical coverage of the 2016 International Cycling Tour of Burkina Faso. Methods: This is a prospective study of the medical coverage of the 2016 Int... ernational Cycling Tour of Burkina Faso. Results: During the 12 days of medical coverage, 216 consultations were recorded. The complaints were diversified. From simple asthenia to severe malaria. There were cases of indigestion, gastroenteritis and food allergies. Conclusion: The medical coverage of a cycling competition requires knowledge of the discipline, expertise in sport and emergency medicine.  Show more >
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